D109 Elections Q&A

This is an addendum to 

and does not replace them. It considers the complexity of the District’s geography and addresses the inquiries the DLC has received.

QWho are the candidates the DLC will interview?
AThe DLC will interview all candidates for the District Leadership Team, except the Immediate Past District Director.
QDoes a Division Director need to be evaluated by the DLC for each Division they apply to separately?
AThe Division Director candidate will be evaluated one time to be considered for all Division Director roles within the District.
QWhat candidates will be presented in the DLC Report?
In District 109 the DLC nominates candidates for all District Leadership Positions, whether they are elective or appointive. Any role that the DLC does not evaluate candidates for will not be included.
QHow many candidates will be nominated?
ABy a majority vote of the DLC the committee nominates a minimum of one (1) candidate each for the offices of District Director and Program Quality Director; two (2) or more candidates for the office of Club Growth Director; and a minimum of one (1) candidate for all other elective District offices (see Protocol 9.0 (3)(F)).
QHow will the interview work?
AThe DLC does not disclose upfront how the interview will work. It will be conducted via Zoom, and cameras must be continuously switched on
QHow will Area Director candidates be evaluated?
AArea Director candidates will not be interviewed. The DLC reviews the documentation submitted and notes points that may be worth following up. It presents the candidates to the incoming District Director, once elected, and the results from the respective Area Council meeting.
QCan the DLC nominate several candidates for a role?
AYes, the DLC can nominate several candidates for the same role.
QHow many roles can the DLC nominate a candidate for?
AA candidate can submit to the DLC their intention to run for multiple roles, and the DLC’s responsibility is to nominate the candidate for the most appropriate role(s). There is no limit to the number of roles that a candidate may run from the floor, but a candidate is limited to stand for election for a maximum of two District officer roles (see Protocol 9.0 (11)E). 
QWill there be Candidate’s Corners and how will they work?
AThe District will not conduct a Candidate’s Corner because there will be no District wide event before or during the District Council meeting at which the elections will be taking place. A Candidate’s Showcase will take place on 24 April 2025.
QWho can participate in the online District 109 Candidate’s Showcase?
AThe DLC will invite all nominated elective and appointive Candidates, as well as all known floor Candidates to the Candidate’s Showcase. The invitation will be mailed immediately after the publication of the DLC report.
QWho will be invited to the watch the Candidate’s Showcase?
AAll District 109 members will be invited to the Candidate’s Showcase around a week before of the event.
QHow will the online Candidate’s Showcase work?
AIt will work as last year. Within the time allocated, Candidates will introduce themselves, respond to a question and give a speech to present themselves to the District. No questions will be taken.
QCan we organize Candidate’s Corners during Area and Division contests or events?
AAn Area or a Division may organize a Candidate’s Corner; the must allow any District 109 candidate who wishes to participate the same opportunity.
QTo whom do campaign restrictions apply?
ACampaign restrictions apply only to Candidates for elective positions.
QCan candidates serve as test speakers or speech contest officials? 
AElective candidates cannot serve as test speakers or speech contest officials.
QCan candidates compete in speech contests or competitions?
ACandidates for elective positions cannot compete; candidates for appointive positions can compete until they serve.
QWhen can elective candidates begin campaigning?
AElective candidates can begin campaigning as soon as they have submitted their Toastmasters International District Leader Agreement and Release Statement, candidate Biography Form, and photograph to the DLC Chair or District Director.
QAre candidates allowed to give a training, workshops or speeches at events other than the one associated with their election by the District Council?
AThe candidate can give a training, workshops or a speech at an event above club level provided they do not qualify as campaigns; sometimes it is challenging to determine what qualifies as a campaign. Should the activity be qualified as campaign, then all candidates applying for a role must be given the same or similar opportunity. 
QIf a candidate is not elected for a role, can they run from the floor for other roles?
AYes, however, the candidate can only run for roles they were interviewed for by the DLC or any role that is incomplete on the DLC report, provided they have submitted their intent to run to the District Director at least seven days in advance of the election and they tdo not exceed the maximum number they stand for during the elections.
QWhere must we send the information about the Area Council’s recommendation for Area Director 2025-2026?
AThe recommendation must be made in writing to the DLC, which will forward the information to the District Director by the end of March (District 109 Toastmasters Procedures, page 5). The DLC will then contact the nominee to collect the relevant documents.