Meet our Distinguished Toastmasters Members

Review the profiles of our DTM members to gather ideas for their final DTM projects, and visit their LinkedIn profiles by clicking on their portraits to learn more about them.

Allison Turner, DTM (Legacy Program, awarded in 2017)

Club Mentor of Toastmasters St. Gallen

Served as Area Governor (2005–2006)

Led an HPL project to organize a trilingual Division Contest (Humorous Speech and Table Topics) under the theme “Laughter Keeps You Young.”

Alexander Yim, DTM (Legacy Program, awarded in April 2019)

HPL Project: Revitalized struggling clubs with low attendance and membership by fostering fun and engaging meetings

Served multiple terms as Area Director

Club Coach for Career Masters and Toast2US (District 2), and LAC (Laos American College) (District 97)

Andreas Geiger, DTM (Legacy Program, achieved in 2019)
HPL Project: Established a broader leadership team for Division E, inspired by the Toastmasters model in Singapore, where each Area and Division has Assistant Division Directors to support key initiatives. Guided by three Toastmasters friends, this experience was highly enriching.
Club Sponsor: UBS Opfikon Toastmasters
Club Mentor: Wintispeakers
Served as Division E Director (2018–2019)

Barbara Konstantina Kondilis, DTM (Legacy Program, achieved in November 2016)

Club Sponsor and Mentor: Hellenic Toastmasters

HPL Project: Created a health literacy community webpage, which is still ongoing. You can visit it at Health Literacy Web.

Brigita Tomas, DTM Award Achievement in 2020
District Officer Role(s) Covered: Area Director, Divison F Director

Carlo Brozzo, DTM (achieved in December 2023)

Club Mentor: Siena Toastmasters

Served as Area Director (2021–2022)

Deniz Senelt Kalelioglu, DTM

Legacy Program DTM (achieved in May 2014)
Club Sponsored: Bursa Toastmasters, Istanbul Türkçe Toastmasters
HPL Project: Started clubs using the Turkish language. My HPL committee was instrumental in helping me adapt Toastmasters’ know-how to run meetings in our native language.

Current Program DTM (achieved in November 2020)
DTM Project: Organized the first Toastmasters Türkiye Corporate Summit, attended by managers from more than 50 corporations, held at a private bank’s headquarters seminar hall. The event continues annually.
Club Sponsored: My Shell Toastmasters, Anadolu Toastmasters
Club Mentored: Ankara Kolejliler Toastmasters, My Shell Toastmasters
Club Coached: Ankara Türkçe Toastmasters

Elsa Negri, DTM (achieved in January 2025)

DTM Project: A plan to implement Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) specifically designed for women’s bodies
Club Sponsor: ToastMasters Marche – Villaggio Saggio
Club Mentor: Speech and Spritz
District Officer Role: Served as Division Director (2022–2023)

Fabio Rigamonti, DTM (achieved in October 2017, Legacy Program)

District Officer Role: Served as Area Director (2016–2017)

Club Sponsored: The Como Lakers

Francesca Gammicchia, DTM (Legacy Program, achieved in June 2020)
HPL Project: When I decided to resign and start my own business, I followed the HPL manual for success. Four experienced Toastmasters and company managers formed my guidance committee, and I remain deeply grateful for their support in transforming my life.
Served as Division Director (2016–2017)
Club Sponsor: Tuscany Masters

Katia Burdet, DTM

Legacy Program (achieved in November 2018)
Club Sponsor: Speech and Spritz
Coach: Toastmasters Academy – Florence
Area Director (2018–2019)
HPL Project: Division Conference in Turin

Current Program (achieved in January 2024)
Club Sponsor: Trucks & Tricks
Club Mentor: INTRANERD
Division Director (2019–2020)
DTM Project: Bringing Toastmasters to the Theater

Panagiotis Karanikas, DTM (achieved in January 2024)
DTM Project: “Toastmasters Greece – YouTube-it” – A project focused on building an engaging YouTube presence to promote Toastmasters Greece, guided by DTMs Natalia Liaropoulou and Iosif Nikolaidis, and TM Miltos Kritikos.

District Officer Role(s) Covered Area Director (2022–2023), Division Director (2023–2024)
Club Mentor: Netcompany-Intrasoft (Corporate Club)
Youth Leadership Program Coordinator: Secondary School of Alimos (2022–2023)

Paolo Ronchi, DTM (Legacy Program, achieved in 2018)
Club Mentor: Navigli District Toastmasters (2017–2018)
Served as Area Director (2016–2017)

HPL Project: Answered the question “Does a perfect TM club meeting exist?” with a one-day event featuring talks by several competent and qualified speakers.

Patricia Mansencal, DTM (achieved in May 2020, Legacy Program)

HPL Project: ALLeGRO – A 4-day Toastmasters Floating Academy held from December 1 to 4, 2018, during a cruise from Savona to Marseille, Barcelona, and back. The ALLeGRO project took me one year to implement and would never have happened without the commitment of over 60 volunteers.
Club Sponsored: Toastmasters Academy Rome
Served as Area Director (2017–2018, 2024–2025) and Pathways Ambassador (2018)

Meet More of Our Distinguished Toastmasters

Otto Schwerer, DTM (achieved in October 2010, Legacy Program)
Served as Division Governor (Director) (2008–2009)
Club Sponsored: Brno Toastmasters (Czech Republic)

Have you been inspired and want to work on your DTM project? Contact your VPE and visit the page with useful resources!

To millions of DTM projects!