District Council

Members of the District Council (DC) include:

  • District Director
  • Program Quality Director
  • Club Growth Director
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Administrative Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Immediate Past District Director
  • Divisions Directors
  • Area Directors
  • Club Presidents
  • Club Vice Presidents Education

The district council members serve as the district’s administrative governing body. Additionally, they operate with powers delegated to them by the Toastmasters International board. Moreover, the district assumes responsibility for paying all debts incurred in presenting district council meetings and other District functions. However, it’s important to note that the district council (DC) does not assess or impose any financial obligation on any club or its members.

District Alignment

Firstly, each District has established geographic boundaries, which can only be changed by the District Councils’ approval. Any proposed changes must be submitted to the World Headquarters for the Board of Directors’ consideration.

Secondly, every year, districts must review and adjust the alignment of the clubs, Areas, and Divisions within the boundaries. Moreover, the result needs to be approved by the District Council at the annual meeting, which takes place between March 15 and June 1.

Lastly, the District Alignment Committee, formed by the District Director, is responsible for the task of aligning the clubs, Areas, and Divisions within the District. Finally, the committee is led by the alignment chair, who ensures that the committee prepares an alignment proposal and submits it to the District Executive Committee before the District Council meeting takes place.

District Council Meetings (DCM)

To ensure effective communication and organization, the district council holds two regular meetings each year. One of these meetings is conducted virtually for convenience, while the other is typically held in person the day before the Spring District Conferences. To keep everyone informed, all district council members receive notice of any upcoming meetings in advance, along with the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. Additionally, meticulous records are maintained and shared with all members to promote transparency and accountability.

District 109 Council Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Kindly find below the District Council meeting minutes from the previous years of District 59.